Aqua Mobiles, an India-based tech company, on Tuesday launched a new budget mobile handset dubbed Aqua Pearl. The feature phone is priced at Rs. 999 and can be purchased from leading online retailer in the country in Gold, White, and Iron Grey colour variants.
Aqua Pearl is a dual-SIM dual standby supporting handset that also features 2.4-inch display and runs on Spreadtrum 6531D, clubbed with 32MB RAM. 32MB inbuilt storage also comes housed inside the handset. In addition, the Pearl bears a VGA (0.3-megapixel) rear camera along with LED flash.
As per the company, the highlight of the Aqua Pearl is its 1600mAh battery that is supposed to last for days. It includes FM radio functionality and multi-lingual support as well. Measuring 121.5x53x10.5mm, the device weighs 109 grams.
"Cell phones have become an integral part of our life and drive a lot of tasks for us. Our cell phones are designed creatively to achieve a perfect balance between performance and practicality. Let the Pearl magic enchant you," said Govind Bansal, Co-founder of Aqua during the launch.
Aqua Mobiles last month launched its Aqua 3G 512 smartphone in India. The dual-SIM handset features a 4-inch WVGA (480x800 pixels) resolution IPS display and packs a dual-core (Cortex-A7) MediaTek MTK6572 processor clocked at 1.2GHz, clubbed with 512MB RAM. It sports a 2-megapixel rear camera with LED flash along with a 0.3-megapixel front-facing camera. Also housed is a 4GB inbuilt storage. The smartphone also comes preloaded with apps including WhatsApp, Viber, YouTube,Facebook, Google Maps, Clean Master, Office Suite, and Saavn.
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