Panasonic on Thursday launched its new smartphone in India, the T50, priced at Rs. 4,990. The highlight of the budget smartphone is the company's own Sail UI, which it says is the "smoothest Android user interface yet."
The Sail UI on Panasonic T50 is based on Google's Android 5.1 Lollipop version and is said to be customised for the smartphone. Panasonic touts the user interface has 'Advanced launcher settings' such as Batch Arranging, File Manager and Gesture Control. The interface has also been integrated into the smartphone's 5-megapixel rear camera with LED flash and the front-facing 2-megapixel camera as well. The UI gives nine beauty camera modes to tweak the images. Some of the modes included are Pose mode, Child mode, and Watermark. Free themes and special effects are also included.
As for the specifications, the Panasonic T50 supports dual-SIM functionality and features a 4.5-inch FWVGA (480x854 pixels) resolution IPS display. It is powered by a 1.3GHz quad-core processor, clubbed with 1GB of RAM. The handset also houses an 8GB inbuilt storage, which can be expanded via a microSD card (up to 32GB). On the connectivity front, the device supports 3G, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, GPS, and Micro-USB options. Backed by a 1600mAh battery, the Panasonic T50 is available in Rose Gold, Champagne Gold, and Midnight Blue colour variants. It measures 131.7x66.3x8.8mm.
"Our latest introduction in the Indian market is a novelty because it arrives with the launch of Panasonic's in-house software, the SAIL user interface. The UI is even integrated into a specialized SAIL camera. It is an app-driven smartphone which combines 3G connectivity and multi-app smoothness for a flawless user experience in a handheld device," said Pankaj Rana, Business Head, Mobility Division, Panasonic India.
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